Hello, Team!
Did you know that we are nearly 100 members strong? It isn't even the end of January yet, and we are so excited about the interest and support this team is generating for Believe in Miracles! Did you know that a portion of your registration fee goes directly to Believe in Miracles? So even without asking one person for a donation you have already raised support for a great cause. Every time you convince a friend to join the team, you are raising a little support too.
Many race teams (usually larger organizations) have a minimum amount that you must raise to be a part of their team, but Team BIMBO has chosen not to go this route. We want lots of new and seasoned runners to join and realize new dreams and goals. At the same time, we are hoping you will join us in raising funds to help Believe in Miracles bring dreams to life for children in Michigan who are facing life threatening diseases. Their website tells the stories of the precious youngsters who have experienced amazing generosity from Believe in Miracles. Raising support is a chance for you to have a part in the miracles they bring to life.
Eve, my daughter, is a child that has been touched deeply by Believe in Miracles and Jenna Kast. Eve was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in April of 2008 at the age of 3. Our world was upside down for a few years as we rode the chemotherapy roller coaster. Once Eve's health started to stabilize, in stepped Believe in Miracles with an offer to make one of Eve's wishes come true. Eve was given an opportunity to go to the American Girl Doll Store in Chicago and pick out her very first doll. Then she saw a few of the city attractions and got to ride in her first taxi. Amazing what thrills a little girl. :)
Raising support during your training will make it possible for Believe in Miracles to touch the lives of so many children with their heartfelt love. So consider stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing with others one of the reasons this team exists. You will be surprised how Jenna's story and the stories of the children she has touched will inspire people to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
In the links to the right you will find a page that shows an example support letter that you may tailor to your own style and send out to your friends, family and acquaintances. As my husband always says, "It can't hurt to ask." This is new ground for me, so I'm pretty much following the advice of others at this point. Join me, and let's see what happens! :)