Believe In Miracles Beautiful One

Believe In Miracles, Beautiful One!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Get Your Kicks Ready

Mark your calendars to joinTeam BIMBO as we run and walk in the Let's Move Festival of Races on April 28th, 2012!

Details will be coming soon. Now's the time to ask a friend to join you. Get in shape and help us support Believe In Miracles!

See you soon -


Monday, May 2, 2011

April 30th - is in the books!

Not only did God hold back the clouds and rain - His presence was felt through the entire morning. Believe In Miracles was blessed because of each of you. 250 team members ran, walked and showed that a little faith can go a long, long way!

Make sure you take the time to let your sponsors know that you crossed the finish line strong. Sign up for your next walk or run and keep a goal in front of you!

One of my favorite quotes is listed below:
"Say I won't.
Tell me that I can't do it.
Tell me that I shouldn't even try.
Tell me it's impossible.
Tell me the risk is too high, the challenge is too much
or the feat too tough. Tell me that I won't do it.
... And I will!"

Be proud, ya BIMBO! Let's see where this takes us and more importantly how God will use it through Believe In Miracles.

Our photographer will be organizing the photos for our team and when he does - I'll let you know. Mark Smith was amazing and I can't wait to see the pictures he took on Saturday.

So? How'd you do? Have a minute... tell us your coolest "God moment" and let it be a blessing to the others:)

Talk soon -
Love in Christ,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Carb up, Catch up and get Revved up!

WHO?  all registered team members eat free
family and friends may eat for $6/person @door
WHAT? time to carb up, catch up, and get revved up!

1. fitness expo @ concorde inn, mt. clemens -
2. team bimbo dinner is 1.5 mile from expo@
Buffalo Wild wings 
48 market street., mt. clemens
WHEN? 1. EXPO runs from 2-9pm on 
2. DINNER* will be in tent from 6:30 - 8:00pm
rick and paula kast vision cast @ 7:30pm
join us after you go to the expo for your bib number and racing tag.  
You will be stopping by the team bimbo booth too while you are there. so let us feed you!   
RSVP by April 21st.
please RSVP for team member and your guest(s)
please be prepared to pay cash for your guests upon arrival :)

*dinner incl. pasta, salad, bread, pop/water.
**bww will have full serve menu and beer available
upon request on a cash basis.  
look to your right for address to the EXPO!  ALL WALKERS AND RUNNERS MUST ATTEND THE EXPO :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What is your motivator?

Okay - so my goal in February was to run as Tinkerbell from Epcot through the Magic Kingdom and back. Yes, my goal was to celebrate my 40th birthday with friends and 17,000 other princesses and fairy's. Silly goal, no doubt - but one that helped me cross the finish line of another half marathon!

My goal for Team BIMBO is entirely different. Simply put, it's to make good on a promise I made to Jenna. You see I've only been at this running thing for 14 months. During my first half marathon last April, I vividly recall the moment and place where God placed Team BIMBO into my heart. I came home and told Jenna that Mrs. Gorski would keep running and I was going to bring some folks with me - for Believe In Miracles.

Our team size, our jerseys, the synergy - all of it comes as no surprise, really. My goal for this team is simple. Honor God, bless Believe In Miracles and help as many local kids as possible and keep good on a promise I made a year ago. Jenna was a great young lady and inspired many. In her memory, I train.

This year alone, Believe In Miracles has worked with and blessed SIX kids! Those kids live right here...they are within a 20 mile radius. Cancer didn't care about the size of their family, if they had their bills paid or if it was a good time for a major life interruption. Cancer doesn't choose favorites. Believe In Miracles helps those kids who are facing life threatening diseases and offers hope and love. A little well deserved respite from their daily struggles.

YOU are a major part in what Believe In Miracles will be able to accomplish moving forward.

What are YOUR RACE GOALS? Why are your training? KNOW WHY YOU ARE TRAINING! Picture that face, remember someone else's struggle, know without a doubt that whatever is motivating you across that line, God will bless you in return.

Mark your calendars - train well, train smart and let's get ready to celebrate in 44 days!!

Read the posts below for dates, details and FAQ. ASK questions... more details about the team in the upcoming weeks - til then. Rock on and God bless you!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Details... Details...

In roughly 52 days - you will be finished or close to finishing your race goal!
How fun is that?
Visualization, music and a great mantra help me to picture the moment when I cross the finish line of any race.
Want to visualize where you are going to be walking/running?  
Click on this link for a map of your race route.

It's just about time to spring forward, set your clocks ahead this Sunday, but don't let the darker morning discourage you from getting out and hitting the street, Stoney Creek or your treadmill!  Spring is coming... the race is almost here and you can do this!

As race day gets closer I will be posting more information on... What is going on race morning, what to expect, how to plan, suggested eating and winding down for race day ideas.  The races begin at 9:00 am, however you will want to be there early.  Please plan on being at the race start with your team jersey on, by 8:00 am.

(NOTE: we will most likely pick a different location to meet and pray prior to starting).

Until then - keep pressing on.  Look at the post below for FAQ.

Mark your calendar now for your training dates during spring break or vacation time.  Mark your calendar to get to the Health and Fitness Expo at the Concorde Inn on April 28th or April 29th.  The link above will direct you to more details.

EVERY REGISTERED RUNNER/WALKER needs to personally go and attend the expo, to pick up your official shoe timer, bib number and other important items for race day.  Team BIMBO will be out there during the entire expo too and you will need to see us to pick up your team jersey and get your swag!

As always - any questions, please ask!!!

Love and blessed by you,
Tracy Gorski

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mark Your Calendar!

 "The sun is shining - the tank is clean"

Yes - that is one of my favorite lines in the movie Finding Nemo.  You see, I am leaving in two short weeks to celebrate my 40th birthday - running a half marathon at Walt Disney World with three of my dearest friends.  We are all dressing in full costume as fairy's.  I am proud to not only represent BIMBO's - I'm also Tinkerbell!

Why am I telling you this?  Because during this scene of the movie, the whole gang in the tank was surprised and their plans needed to change... and change quickly.

How are you planning and utilizing your days?
Failure to plan is planning to fail.  Please make sure you look ahead at April.  Check vacation schedules, Easter break plans and mark your calendars now when you are going to train.  If you look ahead now - you won't be surprised and out of step when you turn the calendar pages to April.

Write in your training days - even when your kids are home or you are someplace warm.  Make sure you bring your running gear and go out and explore new sights.  You won't regret it and you'll keep up on your training schedule.

Speaking of dates - The Let's Move Festival of Races will be holding their EXPO on April 28th from 2pm - 8pm and on April 29th from 11am - 9pm.

Mark your calendar to drive and pick up your BIB number and other key race day information.  Team BIMBO will be out there both days to give out team goodie bags and team shirts.   Plan on a trip to Mount Clemens for your race day information.  NO EXCEPTIONS - everyone has to pick up their own BIB information.  See their website for details.

Hotel: Ladies - if you are staying at the ConCorde hotel, please let me know, so we can arrange a group dinner or something fun on Saturday night.  Remember this is for us gals only.   The ConCorde Inn (586) 493-7300   Discount code: 0427gam

78 days and getting closer...  Rock on!  Love, TRACY

Monday, January 31, 2011

What tunes are you training with?

So many people vary in their music choices - some like to go natural and just breathe... some like to rock it out and some use their running/walking time as a time to worship or pray.

What's on YOUR playlist?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Growth and Fundraising

Hello, Team!

Did you know that we are nearly 100 members strong? It isn't even the end of January yet, and we are so excited about the interest and support this team is generating for Believe in Miracles! Did you know that a portion of  your registration fee goes directly to Believe in Miracles? So even without asking one person for a donation you have already raised support for a great cause. Every time you convince a friend to join the team, you are raising a little support too.

Many race teams (usually larger organizations) have a minimum amount that you must raise to be a part of their team, but Team BIMBO has chosen not to go this route. We want lots of new and seasoned runners to join and realize new dreams and goals. At the same time, we are hoping you will join us in raising funds to help Believe in Miracles bring dreams to life for children in Michigan who are facing life threatening diseases. Their website tells the stories of the precious youngsters who have experienced amazing generosity from Believe in Miracles. Raising support is a chance for you to have a part in the miracles they bring to life.

Eve, my daughter, is a child that has been touched deeply by Believe in Miracles and Jenna Kast. Eve was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in April of 2008 at the age of 3. Our world was upside down for a few years as we rode the chemotherapy roller coaster. Once Eve's health started to stabilize, in stepped Believe in Miracles with an offer to make one of Eve's wishes come true. Eve was given an opportunity to go to the American Girl Doll Store in Chicago and pick out her very first doll. Then she saw a few of the city attractions and got to ride in her first taxi. Amazing what thrills a little girl. :)

Raising support during your training will make it possible for Believe in Miracles to touch the lives of so many children with their heartfelt love. So consider stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing with others one of the reasons this team exists. You will be surprised how Jenna's story and the stories of the children she has touched will inspire people to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

In the links to the right you will find a page that shows an example support letter that you may tailor to your own style and send out to your friends, family and acquaintances. As my husband always says, "It can't hurt to ask." This is new ground for me, so I'm pretty much following the advice of others at this point. Join me, and let's see what happens! :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year and Happy New You!

Hey, Team! Here we are! It's 2011, and if you have looked at the suggested training schedules we have on this blog, you noticed that your first workout day is Monday. Get excited! Get committed! Get some good running shoes! Get started and hang on for the ride!

Personally, I am not labeling this as a "resolution," because we all know how long our resolutions for the new year typically last. Instead, I have my schedule on the wall and the determination to take one day at a time. I get excited to be able to put that check mark on the page that says, "I got off my butt today and worked up a sweat!"

I hurt my foot the other day, so the stationary bike and I have been having a couple pow-wows which allows for some reading. In Runner's World (thanks Tracy), I was reading about goal setting and the importance of having more than one goal for this training process. So I was thinking about what a few of my goals are or could be...

1. The big one... I want to FINISH my first half marathon. Run, walk, crawl, whatever it takes... I want to cross that finish line.
2. I want to be a part of that big fat check we hand over to Believe in Miracles at the end of this process.
3. I want to lose weight and feel great. Honestly, if that wasn't one of the benefits of all this exertion, would we put ourselves through this?

Smaller goals that are just as important...
1. Developing physical self-discipline to train and mental self-discipline to change my diet.
2. Encouraging this team to succeed!
3. Avoiding injuries as much as possible

These are just a few things that have crossed my mind as goals. They may change with time. Others may be added, but at the end of April, I hope to have check marks next to several important milestones. Take some time to think about big and small goals for yourself. Write them down. Each day is a step in the right direction, if you are committed to making an effort... instead of excuses! You can do this! We can do this together!

On a different note, if you have questions or concerns, please send them to us via the comments section at the end of each blog post. Our Run Guru has answers!