Believe In Miracles Beautiful One

Believe In Miracles, Beautiful One!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012




  • Drink 4 to 6 ounces of water every hour.
  • Eat small carbohydrate snacks constantly.
  • Mentally rehearse your race strategy, feeling good, overcoming challenges, recovering.
  • Relax with friends or family.


  • Drink 4 to 6 ounces of water every hour.
  • Eat light carbohydrate snacks like energy bars.
  • Go over the procedure, route, time frame etc. for getting to the Team BIMBO group time.
  • Do a very relaxed mental rehearsal of the event, concentrating on the positive.
  • Lay out your race day clothes, (pin your race number onto your shirt), shoes - put your timing chip onto your shoe. Lay out your charged ipod, hat, socks. Fuel belt or water bottle carrier, filled and ready to go.
  • Pack your race day gear bag.
  • Got a cheering section? Encourage them to make YOU a sign and be YOUR motivation!!


Dry shirt and/or shorts.

  • Water to drink while waiting for race to start.
  • Sports Jelly Beans/Gu/Gels etc. – for use during the race and according to what has worked for you during your long training runs. Don’t try anything new Race Day
  • Garbage bags work as a disposable jacket and as a ground cover while your resting at the race site prior to start


  • Drink 4 to 6 ounces of water every 30 minutes. Cut off fluid intake according to what has worked before your long training runs.
  • Eat – according to the schedule which has worked for you before your long training runs.
  • Bring your bag, car keys, etc.
  • Leave at least 30 minutes before you think you’ll need to leave…in case of unexpected traffic.
  • Plan to meet Team BIMBO at designated location at 7:30 am for pictures
  • Jog or walk for 3 to 5 minutes (very slowly) just before lining up.
  • Keep the legs moving, in place if necessary as you stand waiting for the actual race start.
  • Joke around; enjoy the energy and personalities of the folks nearby.
  • Go out slowly, if it’s hot, go out even slower!
  • If you feel warm, pour water over your head at each water stop.
  • When tired, shorten your stride and you may want to take more frequent walk breaks.


  • Grab water and carbohydrate food(s) at the TEAM B.I.M.B.O. table near the finish line!
  • Walk, eat and drink for at least a mile.


  • If possible immerse your legs in a cold bath, as soon after the finish as possible.
  • Within 30 minutes, eat around 200 calories of 80% carb/20% protein.
  • Stretch well before you get in the car if you are leaving the site.
  • Walk for 30 to 60 minutes later in the day.
  • Drink 4 to 6 ounces of water or electrolyte fluid (at least) every hour.
  • Walk for 30 to 60 minutes on Sunday - Walking and lots of water will push the lactic acid out and loosen you up!
  • Eat healthy snacks continuously for the rest of the day.
  • Enjoy what you’ve accomplished and look for another race to tackle while you’re still motivated!


Race Start Times

8:15 am 5k RUN

8:30 am 5k WALK

8:45 am Half Marathon (2 hr or less finish)

9:00 am Half Marathon

1:00 pm Children's start (estimated time)



Let’s Move Festival Of Races Requirements

You must be at least 12 years old to participate in the ½ Marathon Event.

You must be able to complete the ½ Marathon within 4 hours.

You must be in good health and physically prepared to take on the challenge of the ½ Marathon

You must show photo ID to receive your race number and timing tag.

You must pick up your own race packet and race number at the Expo. Race numbers are required to participate.

Sorry, unauthorized coaches, dogs, in-line skates, skateboards, bikes and baby-joggers will not be allowed on the ½ Marathon course.

Baby Joggers allowed on 5K and 1 Mile Course only.




Chafing most commonly occurs in areas that rub against each other, or are sensitive and come into contact with your clothing. Here are the big ones:

Nipples: Rarely an issue for women, men will experience chafing of the nipples very often, resulting in bleeding and discomfort. It is a good idea to cover them with band-aids, “nip guards,” or an anti-chafing cream.

Thighs: Especially problematic for women, this is an area that can easily suffer from friction build-up. It is wise to using a glide product, also available at Fleet Feet or other sports stores.

Toes: Blisters are more common when the temperature rises. Rub Vaseline or GLIDE all over your feet and in between your toes before putting your socks on. This keeps everything moving freely, avoiding painful blisters

Groin area: Again, anything that rubs together is a potential problem area. We suggest that you use Desitin or other diaper cream.

Other: Sometimes the underside of your shirt sleeve or if you use an arm band to hold your ipod areas are unsuspecting areas that rub. Use glide on those areas too.


Make sure your toenails are trimmed on race day. Otherwise, you may experience blisters, painful pressure, or even the loss of a toenail.


It is critical to hydrate ahead of time when running or walking long distances. You can’t start soon enough. Try to drink water all day long beginning today. Avoid all soft drinks, teas, and alcoholic beverages that act as a diuretic or have sodium as an ingredient.

Toilet paper

Most Porta Johns on the course will run out of toilet paper at some point during the morning on race day. Put enough toilet paper for a couple bathroom stops in your Fuel Belt (we suggest you put this in a small ziploc bag, as your sweat will likely make your Fuel Belt moist), or other carrying device.


Could be a sunny day. Make sure to wear sunscreen that is intended for heavy sweating since you don’t want it running into your eyes and you won’t be able to reapply.

Parking Plan

Review the parking lots when you pick up your race information during the EXPO. Know your plan ahead of time. Plan to walk to the meeting tent and to the start line. Allow adequate time for driving and bathroom breaks pre team meeting.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to raise funds in an economy where everyone needs something!


This term strikes joy into the hearts of some, to others a pit in their belly's. One reason I have found for the pit formation, is that inherently, we are afraid to hear "no" after we ask. I understand - I also have pushed past it.

Whenever I get the answer - NO. I don't take it personally. Timing for everyone is different and odds are, their answer is not a reflection of me or the cause to which I am asking their support for, moreover it is not a good time for them.

With that being said - I offer a couple of different examples on fundraising.
1. Write an old fashioned letter to some friends, family and a few co-workers. First of all, explain what you are doing, why you are doing it and how their support (no matter how small) will benefit Believe In Miracles.
Include in your letter a link to the site ( and any personal information about your training or your connection with B.I.M.
Always include a postage paid self addressed envelope to make it easier. Let them know you will update them on your success in crossing the finish line and that their donation is tax deductible.
Always ask for them to join you too!

2. Email all of the above and then - follow up with everyone one month later. This is key when emailing any fundraising requests. (it's common for someone to have hopes to donate and then simply forget because it's not in print)
If you are emailing them your request - include the online site for donating online. (see the right site of this blog).

3. Print out the Team B.I.M.B.O. Pledge sheet, you can find this in the previous post - see below. Take your pledge sheet to school, work or keep it with you in your purse and ask your regular dentist, grocer or friends to pledge you per mile - and join you!

4. One friend, a mother of four, is saving all of the family's bottle returns. They've been saving them specifically for their family's donation.

I hope these have given you an idea or two and taken the fear out of fundraising. If you want more motivation - consider looking at Believe In Miracles site, and look at the 13 children we helped in 2011. Because of you - we can help more children with serious illnesses.

Blessings -


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Print this for your donation tracking.
To print, select the document. Copy and paste it into word or pages. Then print.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Q How does joining Team B.I.M.B.O. benefit Believe In Miracles?
A By signing on to run or walk one of the races of the Let's Move Festival, through Team B.I.M.B.O. - a small portion of your registration fee goes directly to Believe In Miracles.
Our primary focus as a team is to raise funds so that Believe In Miracles can continue into the future helping local children. Many of you run in honor of our sweet Jenna and some of you are running in honor of another precious child or adult who is battling a life threatening illness. Being a part of this team is about so much more than just what God can do with us.

Q Can I walk the half marathon?
A YES you can! Take a peek at the right side of this blog for a variety of training schedules. You can run, run/walk or walk any of the race options. Pick a schedule that works for you - print it out and follow it. Training with a schedule is really rewarding too, it's awesome to cross off each day and before you know it, you've met your goals.

Q Is there a minimum fundraising amount that I need to consider?
A No, there is not a minimum fundraising amount that you need to raise. However, we encourage you to ask for support. Think about asking 15 people to sponsor you for each mile you are running/walking. If you have 15 sponsors giving $1 a mile, than you just raised $195 for Believe In Miracles! It all adds up!

Have a goal to ask your friends and family, tell them why you are running/walking and make it easy for them to write a check and get it to you. All donations are 100% tax deductible. Direct your family and friends to to see why you are training!

Consider asking co-workers. Many company's have a matching gift program. If your company has this, include a copy of the form with your letter.

Save up your bottle return money between today and the race. Easy fundraising:)

Skip Starbucks each week and bring your coffee to work, put the coffee money in an envelop and save up.

Online donation? Simply copy and paste the link that is off to the right side of the blog and direct your donors to our Team site for online donations.

Options to fundraise abound -think out of the box. You can refer to the sample Sponsor Letter that you can find on the blog as well. Of course, change it to suit your needs.

Q When are the donations due and who is the check payable to?
A The folks that you have sponsoring you should write a check payable to Believe In Miracles. All donations will be received when you pick up your race packet at the EXPO on April 26th or 27th. Believe In Miracles will send a receipt to each person who donates. (cash donations get tricky, unless we know who they are from).

Q I have never participated in a race of any kind and have no clue what to expect? What do I expect? What should I eat? What time should I arrive? What if it rains?
A These are all great questions! As race day gets closer, those who are registered and are receiving a newsletter will receive all of the tips, guidance and suggestions that you need to ensure you have a safe and fun race.

Q How can my family members help if they are not running or walking?
A Please let us know if your spouse or older children are interested in helping and we will contact you to assist on race morning or at the EXPO. We have goodie bags to be filled, shirts to organize, and set up that we will need help with.

Q What's up with the Kids Last Mile? Do my kids run with me for the last mile?
A This is so great. NO your kids do not join you as you finish your half marathon, however they have a great chance to "finish the last mile of a full marathon" together. Kids only. Between now and race day, your child(ren) can run/walk 26.2 miles and together on race day - all children will finish the last mile of a marathon together at 2pm. You will be finished with your race goal and you will be able to cheer them on!

Q Will there be Team Jersey's?
Yes! We have dry wick jersey's that are custom made just for you. Each person participating in the Half Marathon will receive a dry wick jersey. All other participants will have the identical shirt, 100% cotton. You pick your size and you also receive a jersey from the Festival of Races too!

Believe In Miracles, Beautiful One